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Are you finding difficulty in making payment of the QuickBooks Online Subscription? If you are receiving the email with ‘subscription payment failed’, then it means that QuickBooks cannot charge the billing account for the subscription. It can be because of the card detail information mentioned on the QuickBooks may be out of date, invalid or the card issuer have declined the payment.

In order to rectify this error, you need just to update the billing information saved in your QuickBooks accounting software. You can take the help of trained technicians for updating the payment information of the QuickBooks. You have to dial QuickBooks support number to speak with the experts who are available 24*7 round the clock to help you in fixing the error.

Steps to fix “QuickBooks Subscription Payment Failed”

Update Your Billing Information in QuickBooks

  • You need to sign in to your QuickBooks Online.
  • Then select Settings option and then click on Company Settings.
  • After that, you need to select on the tab of Billing and subscription.
  • Now select Edit option for your Payment Method.
  • You need to update your billing info and after doing it select Save option.

Once you have updated your billing information in QuickBooks, it will take up to 24 hours to activate your account. If you still witness any error, then move on to the next solution.

Read Also : QuickBooks Error Code H202

Review Your Billing Information

If even after updating your billing info you still witness issues, then you need to go back and edit the payment method again. Here are a few things that you must check:

  • You need to ensure that there are no special characters or symbols in your billing address as they can cause errors.
  • Make sure that every field on the screen of payment method is filled in, even the Postal code.
  • Then update your billing information in a private web browser. You need to clear the web browser cache before updating the billing information.
  • You should even check in with your bank to make sure that QuickBooks is approved for billing your bank account.

If even after applying the above two solution steps the payment failed, then you don’t have to worry as you can easily take the help of experts. You only need to call customer care to speak with the trained experts so that they can help you in fixing the error from the roots itself.

QuickBooks error 6150 is a commonly occurring error in the program when you try to create, open, or use a QuickBooks company file. The error code falls into the error code series 6000, wherein a user struggles to open the company file. There are various similar instances in the program; however, the reasons behind the issues may differ from one another. To override the issue, you need to look for its possible reasons in the first place.

Once determined, you may suppress them one after the other to get rid of the QuickBooks error code 6150. Let’s take a tour of this friendly guide and resolve the concerning error when opening the company file.

About QuickBooks Error Message 6150

QuickBooks error 6150 prevents users from accessing their data file, and an error message states the same when the error occurs. It says – 

“We’re sorry. QuickBooks couldn’t open your company file.”

QuickBooks Error 6150 (Error Message)

It means that there is some problem with the company file, which needs your immediate attention. A damaged or corrupt company file can be one of the most apparent reasons behind the error. By navigating through this post until the end, you can find the possible reasons, symptoms, and most effective troubleshooting solutions for QuickBooks error 6150.

What Promotes Error 6150 in QuickBooks? 

Now that you are aware of the error code 6150, let’s dig further to unearth the possible reasons behind the error. Check below:

  • The main data file with .QBW extension is damaged or corrupt. 
  • Improper or partial installation of the QuickBooks Desktop application.
  • When you try to open a portable file while QuickBooks is not yet opened.
  • QuickBooks company file with an erroneous extension.
  • Damaged company file due to a virus or malware attack.
  • When you need to create a portable backup file.
  • Damaged Windows registry in the system

How To Identify QuickBooks Desktop Error 6150? (Symptoms) 

QuickBooks company file access error 6150 can be identified with the following symptoms:

  • An error message with the error code 6150 appears on the screen.
  • The error crashes an active window.
  • A problem when opening the QuickBooks company file.
  • Sluggish or poor performance of your PC.
  • The system crashes every time you attempt to open the same program.

When these symptoms appear, it is time to perform the relevant solutions for the error resolution.

How Can I Resolve QuickBooks Company File Error 6150?

Now that much has been said and discussed for the QuickBooks error 6150, let’s follow the solutions described for the troubleshooting. Here we go!

Solution 1: Check if The Folder Containing Company File Is Damaged

Sometimes, the QuickBooks error 6150, -1006 can take place when the folder containing the QuickBooks company file is damaged. To identify this, try to open the company file from a different location. To do so, you need to create a new folder on your Desktop. Once created, name it QBTEST and then move your company file to this folder. 

Thereafter, try to open your data file from this new location. If you are able to open the file, it means that the problem lies within the folder containing the company file, which needs to be repaired. If the error is not resolved by this method, try the next one. 

Solution 2: Check If Creating A New Company File Resolves The Error

In this procedure, you have to create a new company file by using the below-given steps:

create a new company
  • The first step is to open the QuickBooks Desktop application.
  • Now go to the No company open window and then Create a new company.
  • Thereafter, navigate through the QuickBooks setup window and provide the required information in the specified boxes.
  • Once done, select the Create a company option.
  • After that, you can move ahead by creating a chart of accounts, customers, services, and various others.

Solution 3: Restore The Company File Using The Backup

If a damaged company file is causing the QuickBooks error 6150, you can restore your data file using the backup. To do so:

  • Open QuickBooks and then go to the File menu.
  • Thereafter, click the Open or Restore Company File option.
  • Once done, hit Restore a Backup Copy and then click the Next button.
  • Now mark the checkbox against Local Backup and click Next.
  • Here, you need to locate and select your company file backup.
  • Next, click Open and select the Next option to move ahead.
  • After that, click Save in the drop-down menu and select a suitable location to save the backup of your company file.
  • Here, you need to type the name of your file in the File Name section and hit the Save button.
  • When you see the Confirm Save window, click Yes to confirm.
  • In the end, click Yes, located underneath the Delete Entire File.

Solution 4: Reinstall QuickBooks Using Clean Install Utility

Sometimes, the QuickBooks error 6150 can crop up due to the partial or damaged installation of the software. To override this issue, you need to reinstall QuickBooks using the Clean Install utility. Below are the steps:

  • Click the Start button on your keyboard and select Control Panel.
  • Next, you have to click Uninstall a Program option.
  • In this window, select QuickBooks from the list of the installed programs and click Uninstall/Change the app.
  • Thereafter, select Uninstall and delete the software by following the on-screen instructions.
  • After the deletion, download and run QuickBooks Clean Install Tool.
  • Click I Accept and continue to agree to the terms and conditions.
  • Moving ahead, select your QuickBooks version and hit the Continue button.
  • Now click OK and install the QuickBooks software and open it once installed.

Solution 5: Reap The Benefits Of QuickBooks File Doctor

QuickBooks File Doctor is an amazing utility in the program that can identify and fix the common issues related to your data file. You can access this utility from QuickBooks Tool Hub. You need to download the latest version of the tool hub in the first place. Follow the below-given steps for the full procedure:

QuickBooks Tool Hub
  • Download QuickBooks Tool Hub and save the file on your Desktop for easy access.
  • Next, follow the required steps and agree to the terms and conditions to install it.
  • Once the tool hub is installed, open it.
  • From within the tool hub, select Company File Issues, as it will enable you run the QuickBooks File Doctor.
  • After that, click the Browse option to find the company file you want to fix.
  • Now let the tool scan your find to identify the possible issues.
  • Based on the size of your company file, the tool may take up to 20 minutes to resolve the issues.

Once done, check if the QuickBooks error 6150 is resolved or not.

Solution 6: Make Sure That Your System Is Not Infected With CryptoWall

Error code 6150 in QuickBooks can also take place due to an infection caused due to CryptoWall, which is derived from ransomware. To determine if your system is infected with CryptoWall or not, you need to follow the below-given steps carefully:

  • First things first, close all the QuickBooks-related windows to start.
  • Next, you need to go to the Company File Directory.
  • Here, you need to check if there is any file decrypted or with an extension(txt or HTML).

If no such file is found, you don’t need to worry about the CryptoWall. However, if you find any such files, you need to clean them in order to resolve the error.

Ending Words!

If you are struggling with the QuickBooks error 6150 and need to resume the tasks that are interrupted due to the error, this friendly post can help. In case you need further assistance, just get in touch with the expert professionals to get help with the troubleshooting processes. On connecting, you may describe the symptoms of QuickBooks error 6150 and get the best help.

When QuickBooks internal file has become unreadable and shows an error message PS107 on your computer screen, this error occurs while downloading Payroll Updates. You will observe that reasons lead to QuickBooks error PS107 and then visit the solutions.

Reasons Behind QuickBooks Error PS 107

  • Server Weak Issue
  • The old form of Finance Programming supports an early form of finance as they create a new one
  • A virus or spyware infecting the system
  • A corrupted file in the QuickBooks

Methods to Resolve QuickBooks Error PS107

Few troubleshooting solutions are given below to fix QuickBooks error PS107. Let’s go through them carefully.

Method – 1

  • First, move to the Task Manager and click on the processes tab
  • Now display all applications beginning with QuickBooks
  • Now click the End Task or End Process.

Method – 2

  • Move to the Help menu and choose Update
  • Click options and click the Mark all button
  • Press update now
  • Now press Reset Update and click on the Get Updates
  • Once you observe Update Complete message, shut down QuickBooks Desktop.

Method – 3

  • Access Get Payroll Updates now and implement the Payroll Update CD
  • Press on Employees and click on Get Payroll Updates for pro and premier
  • Suppose you have been asked to search for update.dat or update3.dat, then respond to the notifications
  • Press on Browse
  • Choose the CD Drive from the Look in the drop-down menu
  • Select update.dat or update3.dat in the Payroll Update now and click the Open option
  • Click Ok.

Method – 4

  • First, unclose the Run command on the keyboard and click Ctrl+R
  • Now enter misconfig. and press Ok
  • Tap selective startup, load system services, and load startup items in the General tab
  • Now press the Services
  • Choose Hide all Microsoft services and click on disable
  • Press to remove Hide Microsoft services
  • Now choose the services and make sure that the Windows Installer checkbox is established
  • Now choose and press Ok; if it is not available there, then move to the system configuration window
  • Click restart your computer
  • When the system is restarted, then do activate a clean install.
Method -5
  • Switch to single user mode by pressing
  • Press switch to a single user
  • Select Backup Company and click create local option available on the QuickBooks file menu
  • Press on local backup once you have the backup window option and select the location for backup
  • Next click Ok
  • Inspect for the options on this page and select the one you like
  • Select the appropriate option for you once you are completed with Ok
  • Press Ok in the Create Backup option
  • Organize future backups and choose to save your backup now.

Once you have followed the above methods, you can eliminate QuickBooks error PS107. To rectify QuickBooks quickly, you must dial the QuickBooks support number to get some accurate tips.

FAQs ( Frequently Asked Question)

Ques. How to Troubleshoot QuickBooks Payroll errors?

Ans. Some troubleshooting steps are given below to fix QuickBooks payroll errors.

  • Press the Help menu
  • Select about QuickBooks
  • Click Ctrl+Alt+Y at your keyboard, then press on Next
  • Choose the employee who was underpaid in the employee information window
  • Do a double-click on the employee’s name
  • Analyze the YTD adjustment details
  • Press Ok.

Ques. Can I switch from QuickBooks Desktop to Online?

Ans. It depends upon your monthly subscription and the cheaper cost. QuickBooks is cost-effective if you use multiple employees using the software. QuickBooks Desktop Pro is affordable if you don’t require additional users and planning to utilize software before updating.

Ques. How to control Payroll errors?

Ans. Some troubleshooting steps are given below Payroll errors.

  • Briefly indicate the error and apologize
  • Explain what brought on the problem and observe
  • Describe what methods are taken to fix this problem and confirm that it should not be repeated.

Ques. Do you require to purchase a QuickBooks desktop every year?

Ans. QuickBooks desktop is available for yearly subscription or purchase with an extra price per user.

Are you witnessing QuickBooks Banking Error Code 105? If yes, you don’t have to worry; this error is one of QuickBooks’ common banking problems, which can give you a hard time. It can occur when the bank website is down and can disrupt your work. You can resolve this issue on your own by taking the help of this blog post and then following the steps mentioned here.

What is QuickBooks Error 105 ( Banking Error)?

This error 105 usually occurs when the banking website encounters some specialized issue. These issues could be the server issue because of which the information cannot be exchanged securely between the banking website & QuickBooks Online software.

Why Error 105 Occurs in QuickBooks?

Check out the list of causes by which QuickBooks Banking Error 105 occurs:

  • It may occur because of the poor Internet connectivity
  • It can even arise because of the issues in the bank & financial institution
  • If the downloaded or imported file/files are accidentally deleted
  • When you are using an old or incompatible computer for the QuickBooks

Also Read – QuickBooks Error 102

Steps to Fix QuickBooks Banking Error Code 105

You need to check the following solutions that are mentioned below for fixing the QuickBooks Banking Error 105:

  • Re-check the name of the financial institution.
  • Ensure that you have chosen the correct bank name while setting up the accounting process.
  • Even check that the URL of your bank website outside QuickBooks is correct.

Solution 1: Update the QuickBooks desktop

  • You have to use the update button to update your QuickBooks account and then run the manual updates
  • You need to ensure that all the latest and advanced third-party programs must go through the latest version system setup
  • Then log in to your bank website by using the correct online banking URL
  • You need to verify the messages with a successful login to your bank website
  • Make sure there is no hindrance in verifying your bank account details, transactions, history, and account summary
  • If the issue persists, then re-verify it after a few days so that bank got enough time to rectify it
  • If the issue exists for more than 24 hours, then you must contact the online customer support & ask for their help with your bank details

Solution 2: Connect the bank accounts with the QuickBooks

  • From the left menu, choose the ‘Banking‘.
  • If you are unable to connect with the bank, then verify the name of the bank or financial institution
  • From the top right corner, choose the ‘Add Account’ option & look for the name of the financial institution
  • Choose the name of your financial institution from the list
  • Enter the ‘User Id and password’ of your account in the space provided and then hit the ‘Continue’ tab
  • You have to complete the extra verification steps and then choose the  option of ‘Securely’ connect
  • Choose the option of ‘bank emblem’ with which you want to connect, and then from the drop-down menu, choose the ‘account type.’
  • If you don’t have an account, then choose the option of ‘+Add New ‘to create the new account
  • You should know that QuickBooks keeps the backup of financial transactions for 90 days so that you can use it.

Solution 3: QuickBooks Manual Update

  • Choose the option of ‘Banking.’
  • Now you need to select the icon of ‘Update’ present at the upper right corner
  • If you want to update only some accounts, then just clear the unwanted accounts
  • You then have to click on the ‘Update Now ‘icon
  • Now enter the ‘Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) credentials ‘and then hit the ‘Continue Update’ icon

Solution 4: Verify with your bank or credit card provider

  • Check with your credit card and bank to see if everything is fine on their end.
  • Sign-in to your bank and credit card account by entering the correct credentials.
  • If you cannot sign in, get in touch with your bank and credit card company to ask for their help.
  • If there is an error with your bank’s server, you need to wait for some time or try again later.
  • You can even reach out to technical experts by calling the QuickBooks helpline number that stays available 24*7. 

QuickBooks Banking Error Code 105 typically occurs when there are connection issues between QuickBooks Online and the bank’s website. This error may prevent the software from downloading banking transactions. To resolve it, users should verify their bank credentials, update account information, and ensure that the bank supports QuickBooks Online integration. Additionally, checking for any ongoing maintenance on the bank’s website is recommended.

You must be aware of Microsoft Outlook, an integral part of Microsoft Office, which is used as an email manager.  You can not only send emails, but you can even integrate it with several third-party online apps for providing email functionality. You can integrate it with QuickBooks Desktop so that you can send emails from your Desktop app using MS Outlook as the primary email client. You can face the issue when there is a misconfiguration in the Windows settings or when your Outlook freezes while sending emails. This blog will help you when you face the error of “QuickBooks outlook not responding” while sending emails from your QuickBooks Desktop app. You need to follow this blog to know the causes and solution of this error.

QuickBooks is Outlook not responding error message

Why QuickBooks Outlook is not responding Error Occurs?

Some of the most common reasons why Outlook freezes while sending emails using QuickBooks are:

  • When you are not running QuickBooks as an administrator on your Windows OS
  • The email settings in Internet Explorer are faulty.
  • Incorrect email settings in your QuickBooks.
  • The installation of QuickBooks Desktop is inappropriate, damaged, or incomplete
  • The Microsoft Outlook is already running in the background of your system computer while you are sending email from QuickBooks
  • When the MAPI32.dll file is damaged.

Steps to Fix QuickBooks Outlook is not responding Error

Follow these given steps to fix the error outlook not responding in QuickBooks application.

Ensure to Run QuickBooks with Admin Rights

  • Right-click on the icon of QuickBooks Desktop and select Properties >Compatibility tab.
  • Here tick mark on the checkbox that reads Run this Program as Administrator present under Privilege Level section.
  • If the checkbox is already checked, then you have to click Apply and then OK.
  • At last, restart your computer and see if the problem is resolved or not.

Verify Email Preferences for QuickBooks

QuickBooks Outlook not responding
  • Open QuickBooks software and go to Edit tab > Preferences > Send Forms.
  • Then go to the My Preferences tab and choose the option of Send email using and then click OK.
  • Now click the Edit tab > Preferences > Send Forms > My Preferences tab > QuickBooks Email and hit OK.
  • Then  you have to select Edit > Preferences and then choose Outlook option and hit the OK button
  • Exit the QuickBooks and Outlook and then restart your Windows and try to send email using QuickBooks.

Repair QuickBooks Desktop and Outlook

QuickBooks Outlook not responding
  • You have to repair your QuickBooks Desktop software
  • If by repairing QuickBooks Desktop software, there is no luck in fixing “QuickBooks Outlook is not responding” error. Then, you have to download Microsoft Support and Recovery Assistant tool to repair Microsoft Outlook installation.

Verify the Email Preferences of Internet Explorer

  • You need to exit from the QuickBooks and close any company file if it’s open.
  • Then you have to run Internet Explorer on your Windows.
  • You need to click on the Gear icon > Internet Options >Programs > Set Default.
  • Now you have to click on the Set your Default Program link.
  • Then you need to select the Outlook option and click on the option of Set this Program as Default and then hit on OK button
  • You then need to close the Internet Explorer and try sending an email using QuickBooks again.
  • If you’re QuickBooks Outlook Freezes while sending the email, you have to follow the next troubleshooting step.
Repair Damaged MAPI32.dll File
  • You need to close any running application of your Windows.
  • Then open Windows File Manager and go to C:\ Windows\ System32 folder.
  • You have to locate and double-click on the Fixmapi.exe file.
  • If you cannot locate the file in the Windows Explorer, you have to search it manually.
  • Once the tool has repaired MAPI32.dll file, you can easily open QuickBooks software and can try to send an email

There are still chances that your MS Outlook may not respond in your QuickBooks accounting software while sending the emails even after executing the solutions that are listed above. If you are also struggling with the “QuickBooks Outlook not responding” error, give a call to QuickBooks expert for immediate troubleshooting guidance.

QuickBooks auto data recovery is an outstanding tool designed to recover damaged QuickBooks files or lost data. The tool allows you to utilize some essential features of ‘Auto Replication to create a duplicate QuickBooks Company file(.QBW), the QuickBooks Transaction Log File, and the auto-recovery quality. Suppose you can’t get any idea to use the QuickBooks Auto Data Recovery tool; you must dial the QuickBooks customer support number to get essential tips to use it.

The article will assist you to know ‘QuickBooks Auto Data Recovery Tool’ and how it is helpful to resolve ‘data recovery issues.

The two ways in which ‘ADR’ can help you recover the ‘Lost file’

  • Recreate lost transaction with your current ‘Transaction Log File’ & a copy of your Company file.
  • Recreate the last few hours of transactions with a copy of the Company file & the Transaction Log File.

Points to be Considered Before Utilizing the ‘Auto Data Recovery’

  • QuickBooks Auto Data Recovery Tool is available for QuickBooks Pro, Premier, Enterprises for windows.
  • The feature is not present in Accountant Editions.
  • There is a file size limitation of 1.5 Gigabytes. For a backup greater than 1.5 Gigabytes, then you cannot create an Auto Data Recovery.
  • Your QuickBooks Desktop have the latest updates.

Recover ‘Hacked or Missed Data’ with QuickBooks Auto Data Recovery

Method – 1 Utilize the original. TLG file with ‘. QWB. adr file’

  • Use the “Original Transaction Log File’ and the Auto Data Recovery version of your company file to recover the recent transactions. Follow the below-given procedure to complete the process.
  • Make a new folder on the ‘Desktop’ named QB Test.
  • Open the folder where you have this company file saved
  • See the company file location on the ‘Product Information Screen’   and the ‘No Company open window’.
  • You can copy the ‘Corresponding.tlg’ file and paste it to QuickBooks Test Folder on your Desktop.

Reflect/Show File Extensions

  • Click button Windows+E to open the File Explorer
  • Now you can press’Organize’ and choose the ‘Folder’ and search options
  • For Windows 10, 1 & 8-Press View & choose the ‘Filename Extension’.
  • New choose ‘Hide Extensions’ for the known file types.
  • Chooseapply and okay
  • Access the QuickBooks Auto Data Recovery folder
  • Take the ‘.adr file’ and paste it to the QB folder. Your folder will have a QBW. Adr& tlg file on your QBTest folder.
  • Go to the QBTest Folder and right-click, QBW.adr file’ & Press the ‘Rename’ option
  • Now a delete ‘.adr’ from the end of the file.
  • Open QuickBooks again to access the company file saved in your QBTest folder and certify all transactions are there.
  • Now ‘Run’ verify utility to ensure the integrity of this company file
  • If this company file is fine, then you can move the damaged company file to a separate location
  • Lastly, transfer a copy from ‘QBTest’ to the original site.

Method 2 – Utilize the ‘QBW.adr’ & ‘.TLG.adr’ files

In this solution, you will use the ADR version for both.QBW &.TLG files. This feature will recover the last 12 hours of transactions.

  • Make a ‘New folder’ on the Desktop
  • Name this folder as ‘QuickBooks.’
  • Open the folder that says ‘QuickBooksAutoDataRecovery’.

Note: Check the company file location on the Product Information screen

  • Copy ‘.TLG.adr’ and ‘.QBW.add files & now paste them to the ‘QBTest folder’.

Display the File Extensions

  • Click on ‘Windows+E’ to open the File Explorer
  • Click on ‘Organize’ and choose folder & search options.
  • For Windows 10,8.1 & 8-Press View & select the ‘File name extension’
  • Select ‘Hide extensions’ for the known file types
  • Select Apply &okay
  • In the QBTest folder, you remove the ‘.adr’ from the end of the file name to get a ‘.qbw & .tlg’ files on the QBTest folder.
  • Access the QuickBooks and open the company file that is saved in the ‘QBTest folder’. Verify that all the transactions are there.
  • Now ‘RUN’ the verified utility to ensure the integrity of the company file
  • If the company file is fine, then you can shift the ‘damaged company file’ to some other location
  • Finally, transfer the copy from ‘QBTest, to the original place.

With the above steps, you can quickly recover all the ‘lost’ QuickBooks Data. QuickBooks Auto Data Recovery Tool is an efficient device that helps you get back all your lost QuickBooks Data. If you have doubts in any of the steps above, speak to an expert at QuickBooks support number to get appropriate solutions. The technical team is thoroughly trained and experienced to handle every issue in QuickBooks easily.

The technical help desk is available all the time to assist and help you. Get all your errors resolved instantly by connecting with the QuickBooks contact center. Sometimes, you cannot activate the QuickBooks auto data recovery tool to get back your lost data in a folder, then call technical experts to resolve this issue.

QuickBooks, apart from being a popular accounting software, can be a notable investment for your business, depending on which version you select. Knowing about what each of the QuickBooks products stands for and what it can provide can help you determine which QuickBooks version is best for your business as well as your budget. When it comes to construction-allied businesses, the QuickBooks Desktop Contractor version proves to be your best pal. In this blog, we are going to talk essentially about the QuickBooks Contractor Edition and how it compares with other versions of the software. We will also list its various features and advantages that make it the numero uno choice of the contractors.

QuickBooks Contractor edition

QuickBooks contractor is a special edition of the QuickBooks Premier desktop software tailor-made to meet the requirements of the construction industry. It includes added benefits and features that enable it to simplify accounting for construction. The contractor edition of QuickBooks is ideal for construction, contracting, and any sort of business that needs advanced job costing and project management. The Contractor edition of QuickBooks has the following features;

Job Estimation

Through QuickBooks Contractor, developing and distributing job estimates to prospective customers becomes quite easy. More and more data should be included in the estimate because this data becomes the foundation of the subsequent change orders, invoices, and analyses of the budget.

Changes to estimate orders

The bigger the project, the more chances there are of it going not as planned. When these changes are required in a project, you can immediately make those changes, and QuickBooks will generate a change order then and there.

Also Read – How To Delete Deposit in QuickBooks?

Creation of Purchase Orders

Another significant feature of QuickBooks Contractor is its ability to create purchase orders almost immediately. Project Managers sometimes forget to order essential materials, which can result in costly add-ons and time lost. With QuickBooks Contractor, they can very easily create those purchase orders. Also, they can use purchase orders to identify the required supplies.

Invoice Creation

The estimates can be used to create the invoice. By selecting a pre-determined percentage to bill for each item, you can create either an in-progress invoice or you can invoice only the specified items on the estimate.

Time and Cost allocation

An employee’s pay cost can be attached to a specific work and a service item. When you ascribe the earnings to a particular task or service item, QuickBooks, on its own, calculates any payroll taxes for that work.


Another major feature of QuickBooks Contractor is its reporting. As many as 19 kinds of reports are available, which assist in maintaining and evaluating the construction projects. These reports calculate the various parameters associated with the construction business, such as job profitability, job estimates vs the actual comparison, estimates vs the job progress invoices, item profitability, etc.

Job Costing Center

Job Costing Center is one of the most well-known features of the QuickBooks Contractor version. It provides you with a measure of the jobs in profitability. The job costing center displays the top and bottom three such jobs during a period of the last three months. It is also responsible for highlighting your recent performance as well as links to the important job costing reports.

Pros of QuickBooks Contractor Edition

  • QuickBooks Contractor is especially good for contractors who are tracking job costs separately from bookkeeping. QuickBooks Contractor reduces the work by tracking job costs. Job tracking combines the task of job costing and general bookkeeping. Like a large number of small contractors, you might also try to track the job costs in an excel spreadsheet. Not only does the Contractor edition reduce the work by combining tasks, it can also avoid costs that get missed because the job costs are tied to the total company expenses.
  • Experienced contractors who work with a small group of people are quite good at estimating profit on projects they are deeply involved with, even if they do not do the exact job costing. However, as the number of people grows and the multiple crews are involved, they no longer remain closely involved, and it becomes much harder for them to estimate the job profitability. With multiple crews, it is important that you have accurate job costs helping you to evaluate and assist your project managers in controlling the costs.
  • Apart from the remarkable job costing features, QuickBooks Contractor also contains the inventory features of the QuickBooks premier. Materials that are returned from the job site can be recorded as inventory so that the project managers can use them on the next job instead of ordering unnecessary materials.
Cons of QuickBooks Contactor version
  1. Some accounting duties require completion on-site for your company. For instance, a construction company might require the services of a repair technician. It is commonplace for employees to be required to produce invoices for unforeseen costs while on the job. The better choice for this is QuickBooks Online if this is your top goal. QuickBooks contractor does not help very much with this.
  2. Your off-site certified public accountant (CPA) or bookkeeper won’t be able to examine your accounts from their office computer, unlike with online software. Instead, while utilizing QuickBooks Contractor, you must produce an Accountant’s Copy and transmit it to your CPA.
  3. The number of concurrent users for QuickBooks Contractor Edition is capped at five. But let’s say your construction business has a bigger accounting division that needs constant access. In such a situation, QuickBooks Enterprise is the better option for you as it has a contractor-specific edition and supports up to 30 concurrent users rather than the QuickBooks Contractor version.
QuickBooks Pro Vs QuickBooks Contractor

There are a host of differences between the QuickBooks pro and the QuickBooks Contractor version. While QuickBooks Pro offers an open-ended structure that requires the user to fill in what he wants, QuickBooks Contractor has a set of pre-determined formats that can help you with the various requirements of the construction business. When it comes to accounting, the Contractor version will help you with it, though you may still require assistance from an accountant or other qualified resource. QuickBooks Pro’s chart of accounts for contractors mingles job-related and overhead costs, which is just not right. Also, QuickBooks Pro provides fewer accounts in its Chart of Accounts than the Premier Contractor edition does.

There are also a set of differences between the two when it comes to specific business needs. The Contractor version purports to understand your requirements. If its preconceived notion of how your business is run is right, you will be in great shape. If you have a different approach, then it is better to buy a canned setup rather than doing the customization for it. QuickBooks Pro, on the other hand, can give you that virtual identical flexibility to run the accounting for your business.

QuickBooks Mac vs QuickBooks Contractor

This particular version of QuickBooks is right for businesses of any size on an iOS platform that has an annual revenue of less than 1 million US dollars and does not require giving QuickBooks access to more than three people. When it comes to the features, QuickBooks Mac is nearly identical to the QuickBooks Pro version. You can do in QuickBooks Mac everything you can do in QuickBooks Pro. These features include things such as connecting your bank accounts, invoicing customers, and paying bills, just like in QuickBooks Pro. The only drawback is that the QuickBooks Mac does not come in various industry-specific versions.

QuickBooks Premier Contractor includes a customized chart of accounts, a customized product and services list, and various customized reports for construction-related businesses. QuickBooks Premier contractor also allows you to purchase up to five user licenses and also includes a forecasting tool.


We have tried to put forth the various QuickBooks contractor features as well as compared it with other QuickBooks versions. This particular software has proved extremely beneficial for contractors and other construction-related workers. Should you need any further assistance with the QuickBooks Contractor or if you have any queries regarding the same, you can always contact us. We have a team of dedicated QuickBooks professionals who are adept at resolving such issues. Kindly get in touch with us through call or shoot us a mail at []. We’d be happy to help!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Is there an industry-specific version of QuickBooks?

Ans. Yes, QuickBooks offers industry-specific versions but only with QuickBooks Desktop. The QuickBooks Premier version allows different versions for different industry verticals. QuickBooks is also working towards adding specific versions in the future, so you should keep checking before the next software update.

Q2. What is the QuickBooks Contractor version?

Ans. QuickBooks Contractor version is a special edition of the QuickBooks premier software which can meet the needs of the construction business. It also includes special features and different reports that are beneficial in helping you budget and account for the costs of the large jobs.

Q3. How does job costing in QuickBooks help businesses?

Ans. QuickBooks Projects has integrated job costing for the construction industry (a feature available to QuickBooks Online Plus and QuickBooks Online Advanced customers). You can accurately examine how much money you spend and make for each task with QuickBooks. To keep track of every dollar, you can take pictures of your receipts and tag hours worked and other expenses for each employment. For quick access, all of your jobs and projects’ profitability and cost reports will let you know exactly where you are.

Q4. How does invoicing feature in QuickBooks Contractor help in business?

Ans. Construction QuickBooks invoicing allows you the freedom to get paid as you choose. It can accept checks, cash, bank transfers, all major credit card types, or both. Your client can pay promptly online by clicking the “Pay now” option on the invoice. One can also swipe a card with the mobile card reader. You can process the payment and then transfer it to your bank account after tracking the same.

QuickBooks is the prominent and advanced accounting software developed to handle accounts, bank transactions, invoices, salary slips, etc. If you have already Setup and Configure Email Service In QuickBooks to your desktop, you can start sending an invoice to your clients or send and receive reports, and you can also perform other transactions within QuickBooks desktop through outlook or webmail id. This QuickBooks added feature is beneficial for small and mid-sized businesses.

What Are The Benefits of Setup and Configure Email Service In QuickBooks?

  • No trouble in emailing estimates invoices to customers
  • Able to send payment reminders to your customers via emails
  • Customers and vendors details are automatically fetched
  • You can fetch data from spreadsheets and attachments up to 2 MB
  • QuickBooks email is used for sending reports within offices or departments.

Why are Requirements for Setup Email in QuickBooks?

  • An email address from any email service company
  • Email user Id and password
  • Incoming and Outgoing email settings which are varied according to the email service provider
  • Server type all details

Steps to Configure QuickBooks Email Service on QuickBooks Desktop

Before moving ahead, you are required to prepare and configure your MS Outlook profile.

Use your existing MS Outlook profile or create a new one to configure your QuickBooks email service. It also required Outlook username, password, incoming mail server address, outgoing mail server address, and incoming email server type.

Procedure to Set up QuickBooks Email Invoices In Outlook

To continue with this process, you are required to create an Outlook profile first.

  • First of all, set up MS Outlook in QuickBooks Desktop
  • After that, fill in your username
  • Then, enter your password
  • The incoming email server address
  • Now, enter your outgoing email server address
  • Finally, enter your incoming email server type.

If you try to log in to your QuickBooks Desktop and send an email, a message is displayed that your password is invalid. Now, you should restore or set up a new password for your webmail account. If QuickBooks desktop doesn’t have MS Outlook, then

  • Move to the “QuickBooks Edit” menu
  • Press on “Preferences”
  • Choose “Forms”
  • Select “Outlook” and press “Ok.”

Procedure to Setup “Email Service” in “Webmail”

  • Connect with secure “Webmail.”
  • Move to “QuickBooks Edit menu” and choose “Preferences”, and send “Forms.”
  • Select “Webmail” and press “Add”
  • Enter your “Email address.”
  • Press on the “Enhance the Security” check box
  • Press “Ok”
  • Sign-in when the “Login Page” appears
  • Allow “Intuit Access”.

Your internet service provider determines Webmail servers and port settings. QuickBooks can automatically furnish Gmail, Yahoo, and other standard email provider’s details.

Select your different email service provider as additional emails if you wish to use a separate email. Ensure to verify this with your Internet Service Provider to set up Webmail in your QuickBooks Desktop.

  • Move to “QuickBooks Edit menu” and choose “Preferences” and “Send Forms”.
  • Choose “Webmail” and press “Add.”
  • Provide “Login Credentials”
  • Press “Ok” to save the changes.

Unlike secure webmail, QuickBooks Desktop requires entering your password if you are using webmail for the first time to send an email.

Suppose QB Desktop doesn’t accept your password, practice a two-step verification process to restore your email service password, and check email settings.

Internet Service Providers and Port Information

Here are mentioned various Internet Service Providers and Port Information in a table. Users can go through the given below tables to know their exact codes and information.

ISP (Internet Company) SMTP (Outgoing Server Settings) SMTP Port number
1AND1 587 (SSL enabled with password)
AOL 465 or 587 (SSL enabled for incoming and outgoing mail server)
COMPUSERV or 110 or 587
COX Business 25
COX Central 25
COX East 25
Cox West 25
EARTHLINK 25 (with password)
GODADDY 80, 25 or 3535
GODADY with office 365 587 (SSL enabled)
MICROSOFT OUTLOOK 365 587 (SSL enabled)
NETSCAPE 25 (SSL enabled)
PRODIGY 25 (SSL enabled)


This blog is helpful, and you can conveniently Setup and Configure Email Service In QuickBooks. If you have any further queries, call the QuickBooks phone number to get appropriate solutions. You can connect with the technical staff through call, email, or chat. The technical help desk is opened 24/7 hours to assist you with your problems. Get all your QuickBooks issues resolved instantly by getting in touch with its certified professionals. Once you connect with them, a technical representative will help you with accurate methods to fix any QuickBooks issue.

QuickBooks, time and again gives out various payroll-related updates. In line with this, It has come up with the QuickBooks Desktop Payroll Update 22216 which got released on 20th September 2022. Before we get into the ins and outs of the QuickBooks Desktop payroll updates, it is extremely crucial to be aware of the QuickBooks payroll tax table. Being a QuickBooks payroll user, you should be able to understand and use the QuickBooks payroll tax tables. We have come up with this blog to provide you with the information on the recently released QuickBooks Desktop Payroll Update 22216 as well as its effect on various Desktop versions.

At the end of this blog, you will gain important insights into the various updates regarding this, and also the previous updates on this. You should, therefore, read this blog till the end and gain complete knowledge about the QuickBooks Desktop Payroll Updates.

Understanding QuickBooks Payroll Tax tables

Before we delve deep into the QuickBooks Payroll Tax tables and explore the various updates, we might want to know what it actually means. To put it simply, a Payroll tax table can be thought of as a chart that characterizes various columns, allowing you to calculate the apt taxes that need to be suspended from the paycheck of the employee. It would help to note that the withholding taxes can be affected by various factors such as the income sum, the marital status of the employee, and the payment schedule, which includes bi-weekly, monthly, etc.

Important things to remember

Before a user tries to download, install or verify the QuickBooks Payroll Tax tables, they should keep things in mind as;

1.) If the user wishes to update the tax table, they need to have an active payroll subscription.
2.) Intuit recommends that the user should be able to download the tax table at least within 45 days. The user can also update the tax table every time they make payments to the employees.
3.) Lastly, the user needs to turn on the automatic updates feature in QuickBooks Desktop should they want to receive the payroll tax table update automatically the moment the update releases.

What is the latest QuickBooks Desktop payroll update?

The latest QuickBooks payroll update is the QuickBooks Payroll Update 22216, which was released on 20th September 2022.

In this blog, you are going to find information on the latest payroll update, 22216, and other recently released QuickBooks Desktop Payroll Updates. QuickBooks Desktop Payroll is responsible for providing payroll updates to the QuickBooks Desktop Payroll subscribers. These updates include the most recent and accurate rates and calculations for the supported state and federal tax tables, tax forms, and e-filing and pay options. Below, we are going to discuss the QuickBooks Payroll Update 22216, what all it contains, and what updates have been released in recent years.

What does the QuickBooks Desktop Payroll Update 22216 include?

The QuickBooks Desktop Payroll Update 22216 was released as later as 20th September 2022. The account number format updates for the state of Maine constitute the major part of the tax table. 999999999-00 or 9999-9999 is now the account number format. Given below are the various updates included in the QuickBooks Payroll Update 22216;

Forms Update
States, including Arizona, Illinois, Rhode Island, and Washington, have form updates in this latest payroll update if you are using the QuickBooks Desktop Payroll Enhanced version. The following forms update has happened for these states;

Arizona: Form A1-QRT, which is the quarterly withholding tax return, after this latest payroll update, has been updated to the current version.

Illinois: For the state of Illinois, form 1L-941, which again is a quarterly withholding income tax return, has been updated to its current version.

Rhode Island: For the state of Rhode Island, form TX-17, which is the quarterly tax and wage report, has also been updated to its most recent version.

Washington: Similarly, for the state of Washington, Form UI QTD, which is the report to Complete Employer’s quarterly UI return, has also been updated to the current version.

E-file and Pay Update

In this latest QuickBooks Desktop Payroll Update which is the payroll update 22216, there are no e-files and pay update. In case you do not have auto-updates enabled, you need to close and open QuickBooks again after downloading tax table updates in order to complete the installation process.

Recent Payroll Updates

In this section, we are going to talk about the various QuickBooks Desktop versions where Payroll Update 22216 is applied. Some of them are listed below;

Also, you can Read – Release Date of QuickBooks Desktop 2023

Payroll Update 22216 for QuickBooks Desktop 2020

This tax table includes new withholding tables for the state of Idaho. Also, there are no forms update in this payroll update. There are no e-files and pay updates either in this payroll update.

Payroll Update 22216 for QuickBooks Desktop 2021

This also includes new withholding tables for Idaho. The Payroll update for Desktop 2021 necessitates that there are no forms update. Also, there are no e-file and pay updates in this payroll update.

Payroll Updates 22216 for QuickBooks Desktop 2022 and 2023 also contain the same updates as the two above.

You can also access the information on recent payroll updates from the QuickBooks Desktop company file. Follow the below-given steps to do so;

1.) Firstly, choose the Employees option and then select the Get Payroll Updates option.
2.) Secondly, choose the Payroll Update Info option.

Past Payroll Updates

Payroll Update Number Date Released
22213 7/21/22
22212 6/23/22
22211 5/19/22
22210 4/28/22
22209 4/7/22

Payroll Update News

The Payroll Update news section includes federal, state, or payroll-related news articles, basically, any news item that has the potential to affect your payroll. It also contains the latest happenings and developments from the payroll update world.

Wrapping Up

To stay updated about the QuickBooks Desktop payroll updates, keep visiting our website. Apart from that, if you need any help regarding the QuickBooks Desktop payroll updates, you can get in touch with us by call or can send us a mail at []. We would love to talk to you.

Reconciling your bank transactions with QuickBooks is really helpful since you have access to all your accounting data on one platform. Connecting your bank account to your QuickBooks software is one of the biggest timesavers for your business because the software automatically downloads the transactions from your bank. This blog will give you a general overview of what you need to do to fix the issue if QuickBooks not updating bank transactions.

Steps to fix QuickBooks not updating bank transactions

Sometimes users may notice that certain bank transactions are not visible in QuickBooks because the bank doesn’t connect to QuickBooks. When this occurs the best thing to do is to manually upload the transactions. Here’s what you need to do update your bank transactions manually:

Step 1: Make sure you pick the correct date range so that you don’t import transactions you’ve already recorded. Go to the ‘Accounting’ section and open the ‘Chart of Accounts’ to find the bank or credit card account you want to upload more transactions into.

Step 2: Then you will need to sign in to your bank or credit card’s website so that you can download transactions to your computer. Double-check the date range for the download and then save the file somewhere on your computer, preferably on the desktop.

Steps 3: In certain cases, the bank website may give you a series of options for how to download your transactions. As far as possible, QuickBooks recommends using Comma-Separated Values (CSV), QuickBooks Online (QBO), or Quicken (QFX) so that it becomes easy to upload.

Step 4: Once you complete the download you will need to open QuickBooks once again and sign in. In QuickBooks, you will need to go to the Banking or Transactions menu and then select the Banking tab. choose the account you want to upload the transactions into and then select the File upload option.

Step 5: Click on the ‘Browse’ option and select the file you downloaded from your bank. Go back to QuickBooks, click on the drop-down menu, and then select the account you want to upload the transactions into. Follow the onscreen instructions and match the correct banking fields before you upload the transactions.

Ending Words

Once you successfully upload your transactions you can match and categorize the transactions so that it becomes easier for you to manage them later on. Keep in mind, simply uploading the transactions is not enough because you will need to reconcile them so that there are no duplicate transactions.

You can call the QuickBooks technical support number and speak to a certified expert to learn how to manually reconcile your transactions. The support number is available 24 hours a day so that you can get in touch with certified QuickBooks software experts to set up, import, and categorize all your transactions without any problems.

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